Enhancing Safety and Quality with Miles Paving

Your Trusted Asphalt Engineering Partner

Experienced asphalt engineers that primarily focus on speed calming solutions in residential areas. Our main objective is keeping communities safe and striving to satisfy our clients by doing it right the first time.

Quality Driveways and Parking Lots

Transform your residential property with our expert driveway paving services. Our attention to detail ensures a durable and aesthetically pleasing finish.

Efficient Pothole Repairs

Say goodbye to bumpy rides and safety hazards with our efficient pothole repair services. We prioritize quick and lasting solutions for your peace of mind.

Speed Calming Solutions

Enhance safety in residential communities with our specialized speed calming solutions. Trust our experienced engineers to create a secure environment for all residents.

About Miles Paving

Your Asphalt Paving Experts

Miles Paving is dedicated to providing top-notch asphalt paving services for residential communities and private properties. We specialize in speed calming solutions ( speed breakers, bumps and humps) and ensure the highest quality workmanship.


Projects Completed


Satisfied Clients``


Safe Communities

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